Fred Francis

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Fred Francis

Post by contracteng »

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Re: Fred Francis

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Fred had his heart replacement surgery this morning (March 2).

His wife, Tina, posted this evening: Allen (Fred Allen Francis Jr. is out of surgery. He is doing really good. The heart started working right away. He is still asleep and on a breathing machine. We think his body is going to accept it so please continue to pray. God is Good

Those who do not know who Fred is, he is a contract/ consultant engineer who has done work on many area radio stations and across the US.
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Re: Fred Francis

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March 12 posting by his wife on face book. Day 39 : 8 days after transplant. I did not post the past couple of days due to all the tests. We wanted to know what was going on first. Fred is doing great. The doctors can not believe how well he is doing. His ejection fraction is 55. Steady heart beat. NO SIGNS OF REJECTION !!!! We are so excited. All tubes were removed yesterday. NO IV's. He walked a mile yesterday around the 8th floor. Blood sugar is normal. Everything is looking good. God is so good.
We still have a long rode to go. He will not be out of the woods for a year. But it is all looking good. We will receive all of our Dr appointments for the next year on Monday. We have two more classes to take. They are talking about releasing him on Monday. We will stay in this area for 3 weeks. Then home. Fred has not been home for 4 months. Tuesday would be 12 weeks in the hospital between here and ST Mary's. I have a lot to do to prepare the house. Please continue to pray. We are getting ready to start the journey on the medication. Please continue to pray for our finances. I know God will Provide. He has allowed us to witness miracles daily in the past year. I am so great full for the ability to tell this story to so many people. I want to thank everyone for the support and prayers."
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Re: Fred Francis

Post by Rock »

That is good news; I wish him the best!
America is at that awkward stage.
It is too late to work within the system,
but too early to shoot the bastards.
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Re: Fred Francis

Post by contracteng »

Day 48. 17 days after transplant. We are still in Lexington. We have purchased most of the items Fred needs for home. The list was quite large. If it was not for the donations we could buy everything that he needs. . He has lost a lot of weight so we needed to purchase a couple of outfits for him to wear. With 98 lbs gone everything was hanging off of him. He has uncrolable ergers to drink coffee. This is quite new to us. We do not even own a coffee pot. He is still freezing all the time. Dana and I are in shorts in the Hote room. Fred has on two shirts , sweatpants and wrapped up in a blanket. We have been calling him grandpa. Which he does not like. We head back to the hospital tomorrow morning for a heart catch and biopopsy of his heart. This appointment will take 6 hours. We have 8 more days left in Lexington that is if the next few appointments go well. We have a new heart but we still have a long way to go with the he cost of medicine and equipment. So please pray for our finances. Please pray for Fred's hearth, and the donors family. If you are not a donor please consider becoming one. We are proof that it can save someone's life. Right now we are still living by faith pertaining finances and health. This is something that we have learned we are supposed to do daily. Please join me prayer to praise the Lord in all his done for us. Without God I know my husband would not be here with me today. Thank you for support and thank God for being a merciful and kind to us.
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Re: Fred Francis

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From Tina, "Today my husband has had his new heart for 4 weeks. I have watched him improve on a daily basis since the transplant. I do believe it is the grace of God that he is still with us today. God has preformed a lot of miracles for us in the past year. I was told there was nothing that could be done for him and to let him die. I told the dr that the great physician was in charge of his destiny and to do their best. My husband made it through surgery. The news media wants us to believe that there is very few Christians left. That very few people still believe in God. That is wrong. I have been able to pray with so many people over this experience. We have prayed in the hospital hallways, elevators, waiting area, parking garages, shuttle busses and stores. Numerous times doctors and nurses have joined us in prayer by his bedside. I am so thankful that we have a God that we can talk to on daily basis. He loves us and cares for all his children. Today we had a bill that we did not know how we would be able to pay. It would not be a large bill to most people but to us it was a lot of money. While Fred and I we were praying, a message was left on my phone. The person told me not to worry about it right now, it would be ok. . If that is not a testimony to prayer I do not what else to say to you. Our God was working on a solution before we even knew we had the problem to solve. He knew our needs and was already laying it on someones heart to help us. I want to thank everyone that has been helping us. You are a true blessing . Please continue to pray for Fred and our family. Please share our story to others so they can see the miracle God is preforming in our lives."
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Re: Fred Francis

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Re: Fred Francis

Post by contracteng »

May 1
Fred is doing pretty good. The Doctors said he can go fishing. That made him very happy. It has been 9 weeks since the transplant. We are starting to settle down to trying to get back to normal. We have had to make some changes in our life style. Constant cleaning, and the medicine makes him hungry all the time. We need to keep good records at home on his health. The financial costs are overwhelming. The medicine, medical bills, trips to the dr. overnight stays in Lexington, is really high. We are still asking for donations. If you now of anyone that has a little extra money please pass our story to them. God is providing through prayer. Please continue to pray for us. We are very thankful that Fred is still with us. God is Good. Through good and bad times he never leaves us.
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Re: Fred Francis

Post by Big Media »

Glad to hear Fred is doing well. Keep up the good work, sir.
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Re: Fred Francis

Post by REVED »

glad to hear that Fred is doing great. just had 5 bypasses myself and I can also say that God is good and great. my prayers are with you. reved
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