Android Leads The Way in Malware

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Android Leads The Way in Malware

Post by CoolBreeze »

What happens when anyone can develop and publish an application to the Android Market?

A 472% increase in Android malware samples since July 2011.

These days, it seems all you need is a developer account, that is relatively easy to anonymize, pay $25 and you can post your applications. With no upfront review process, no one checking to see that your application does what it says, just the world’s largest majority of smartphone users skimming past your application’s description page with whatever description of the application the developer chooses to include. Sure, your application can be removed after the fact—if someone discovers that it is actually malicious and reports it. But, how many unsuspecting people are going to download it before it is identified as malicious and removed?

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Re: Android Leads The Way in Malware

Post by AmpedNow »

Apple doesn't have nearly as many problems because their quality controls are so tight. Probably why I'm typing this on an iPad and not a Xoom or some other Android tablet.

The open source paradise Andriod promised has had a few hurdles. And weeds. And bugs. Android is here to stay, but they need to (dare I say) reel it in and put more quality checks into the system.
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Re: Android Leads The Way in Malware

Post by RADIOBOY »

Androids have several Anti-Virus Anti-Malware apps available for free in the Adroid market including one of my personal favorites: Lookout

Lookout can scan every app downloaded to your device and alert you if it finds an issue with that app. If you attempt to download an app and Lookout finds a bug it will not allow you to continue with the download. Lookout also works when the app is "updated", scanning your device periodically.

Apple does not share their source code so virus' are not an issue unless the device has been "jailbroken", then your on your own.
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Re: Android Leads The Way in Malware

Post by Lester »

It's not that Apple's source code is a secret... it's not *THAT* secret. However, the tight restrictions of the App Store insure that the app code going on your device will do no harm. The Android Market does not have the same checks in place.
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