Can't get enough Britney?

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Can't get enough Britney?

Post by Lee »

Inside Rehab: Britney Spears Attempted Suicide; Satanic Behavior

Singer Britney Spears has reportedly tried to kill herself while in Promises Rehabilitation Clinic according to reports.

Spears, who entered rehab for undisclosed reasons, reportedly wrote the number 666 on her head after screaming "I am the Antichrist!" throughout the clinic.

"Later that night she tried to kill herself." a source told News of the World magazine. "She attached a sheet to a light and tied it around her neck. Paramedics were called, but luckily she was unhurt."

After the near-death event, Spears called her ex-husband Kevin Federline on the phone and was begging for him to father another child with her.

"Britney has realized what a rock Kevin has been to her, and how out of control she has acted recently." a source at the clinic told News of the World.

"She just wants to be with him again, and thinks having another baby will seal their marriage."

"She has been talking to Kevin every night for hours on the phone, telling him she still loves him."

Kevin Federline has two children with Spears, Sean Preston and Jayden James. He has been spotted several times visiting Spears in Promises Clinic.

Regardless of his support, Spears still appears to be on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"She is still very vulnerable. Last Saturday she said she had the number 666 written onto her bald head. She was crying, and screaming, 'I am the Antichrist!'" a close friend explains to News of the World.

"The clinic people just didn't know what to do. Then she started screaming, 'I'm a fake! I'm a fake!' It must have been really frightening."

"When she tried to hang herself it was more a cry for help."

On February 16, 2007, Spears entered an off-shore drug rehabilitation facility in Antigua. She stayed, however, for less than twenty-four hours.

The following night, Spears went to a haircutting studio in Tarzana, California and subsequently shaved her own hair off with clippers.

A few days later, on February 20, 2007, Britney admitted herself to a treatment facility in Malibu, California.

A statement by her manager read, "We ask that the media respect her privacy as well as those of her family and friends at this time." She left the facility briefly but returned on February 22, 2007.

The previous day Kevin Federline had requested an emergency hearing regarding the custody of his children with Spears but his lawyer announced that his client asked to cancel the court appearance. No further explanation was given.


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Post by Oldiesdude »

Spears still appears to be on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Man she is broke! Maybe soon in more ways than one.

"She just wants to be with him again, and thinks having another baby will seal their marriage."
Can anyone remember, "Hit me baby one more time?"
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Post by Zak Tyler »

ya know, i almost feel sorry for her... it really sounds like she's having a hard time
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Post by Oldiesdude »

Really, same here, but had to try that joke.
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Post by Big Media »

Her career ended with her relationship with Timberlake. She got too Madonnaish too quickly and lost that innocent image she was trying so desperately to project.
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Post by Dr. Whiplash »

That "report" is bullshit. Standard substance abuse rehab includes early sedation and long-term no phone access. That said, she is probably as addicted to attention as anything chemical, and given her notoriety, that will be damn hard to kick.

If the media could give her some space...
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Why should the media give her space? She was more than happy to have cameras pointed at her when it was beneficial to her career, why should she expect any privacy now that she's down the dumper?

This is the flip side to fame, Brit. You takes the money, you takes the attention and you takes aaaalllll that comes with it.
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Post by Lester »

I agree... wanting to "flip the switch" for when they will and won't photograph you is Rick Dickulous. If you want it at all, expect it all.
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Post by Dr. Whiplash »

If you bring it down from the celebrity bullshit level to the human level -- whether a sick human being may recover or die, in some part because she will not get the privacy, the serenity, the anonymity that successful recovery requires and which 99% of people have an opportunity to attain -- is that OK?

Yeah, she sought celebrity and received all the material rewards that come with it. Yeah, you gotta take the bad with the good, what goes around comes around, and all that. But it's wrong to dismiss a fellow human being's need for privacy during a life crisis, just so the public can be fed its daily dose of voyeurism.
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Post by Bob Loblaw »

BTW, most of you have no clue what they go through in dealing with paparazzi.

When you can lie on a quiet beach and pick out wedge...
When you can't step into a Starbucks...
When you can't have a Girls Night Out and get drunk...
When you can't wear a push-up bra for a guy you're trying to impress without EVERYONE thinking you had a boob job...
When you can't walk from the Grocery store to the car with your kid...
Or fill up on gas...
Or buy a pack of smokes...
Or step out of your car (without panties)...

...without 30 photographers 5 feet in front of you barraging you with questions to get some sort of reaction out of you so that they might be able to get a good enough reaction to sell that ONE photo and get a few grand for it.

Sorry...if they're asking for it, then give it to them. But to continue to hound them after you've asked them to stop so they could have something of a normal life, is just fucked up.

Not one of you could deal with it. NOT ONE.

I'm ready for the litany of arguments against me that mention money...
Jay Nunley
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Post by Jay Nunley »

I have no love for the paparazzi and think celebs should be able to have some privacy, but what they go through should be expected. I'm not saying what they go through is right or just. I'm just saying it should be expected and prepared for. It's one of many prices you have to pay for fame and fortune. It shouldn't be one of the prices, but that is just the way shit is. I can't go anywhere without being asked for a t-shirt, concert tickets, or having to answer why we don't play more of (insert artist or song here). I shouldn't have to deal with it, but I do. This is nothing like someone as well known as Britney is goes through, but I do expect it and have learned to deal with it.
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Bob Loblaw wrote: I'm ready for the litany of arguments against me that mention money...
I'm not going to disappoint you.

Yeah, they go through that. There's no doubt they go through that. No-one is denying they go through that.

...but they go through that as a choice. The minute you make that decision - and nine times out of ten it IS a decision - to spend your life in the public eye, to reap the rewards that that brings, you have to know that your life is no longer your own, and...

here it comes...

are you ready? Here it is.....

almost there.....

drumroll, please.....

....let's face it, they're handsomely rewarded for it. When you CHOOSE that life, you choose to give up your freedom and most of your privacy. But with that choice comes the ability to pay other people to do the 'dirty work' for you. You want a Starbucks that bad...? Send your PA!

Could I handle it? Honestly? No, probably not. But then, I'm not seeking the limelight. I've not made myself into worldwide icon. I've not actively seeked the public's money and attention or the media's glare for the past ten years.

Britney was never interested in having a normal, quiet, private life. It was her choice to go on "Star Search. It was her choice to audition for the Micky Mouse Club. It was her choice to record "Baby One More Time" and a dozen other similar-sounding songs. It was her choice to go on world tours, to appear on countless magazine covers, to sign a deal with Pepsi, to film the reality show, to pose nude for Harpers Bazaar.....

I'm not saying you and Whiplash are wrong - God bless you for caring so deeply about the wellbeing of another human being, in fact - what I'm saying is that it's unreasonable for her to spend so much time and energy being an attention whore and then cry foul when people are interested in her downfall.
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Post by Lester »

It was also her choice to ACTIVELY be a publicity whore. Not every star deals with the level of paparazzi that others, who want (or used to want) it at that level.

If Britney's twat makes the front page while she's taking a piss in her house, that's one thing... but when it makes the front page because she's not wearing underwear, in a skirt, while getting out of a car at nightclub, where paparazzi will be REGARDLESS of who you are.... then she's asking for that front page photo.

Just like she was asking for all of the hype she was receiving, until she was no longer able to control it. Now she doesn't want it... but the blood is in the water, and she can't seem to stop giving them something to photograph.
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Post by Bob Loblaw »

Jay Nunley wrote:This is nothing like someone as well known as Britney is goes through, but I do expect it and have learned to deal with it.
I had a similar experience this weekend. Was wearing my Hot jacket at a club. Used it to get some face time with the club owner (and to get me and friends in for quickly). Got cornered by a couple listeners who wanted to talk about the Bobby Brown thing.

Granted, I talked to them because I wanted to poke both of them (not at the same time), but also because I knew I was paying a price for wearing the jacket and taking advantage of the notoriety it brings.

It's also why I typically DON'T wear that stuff...cuz I don't wanna be bothered.
Spike wrote:When you CHOOSE that life, you choose to give up your freedom and most of your privacy. But with that choice comes the ability to pay other people to do the 'dirty work' for you. You want a Starbucks that bad...? Send your PA!

I'm SO glad you wrote that. Do you consider getting a coffee "dirty work"? What about going to a theme park with your kids? Can ya send a assistant to do that? What about taking your best friend out for drinks after a really bad break-up? Your friend didn't ask for the cameras.

Besides which, I strongly believe that doing that leads to bigger problems. Isolation is a bitch, and the more you do it, the more your world gets warped into this "thing" that totally distorts reality. I think Britney may be going through that right now. Michael Jackson is a classic case. Scott Baio too. So many others.

Lester wrote:Just like she was asking for all of the hype she was receiving, until she was no longer able to control it. Now she doesn't want it... but the blood is in the water, and she can't seem to stop giving them something to photograph.
Which made it an even juicier story. I wonder how much money the Photog that took the picture of Britney swinging the umbrella at the dudes car got.

There is an absolute disrespect that paparazzi has for stars. And it's gotten worse over the years. Case in point: Princess Diana

I applaud stars who snap and punch out photographers. Most of those pricks are flat out rude.

Again...nobody DESERVES what stars matter how much they make or how much they whore themselves out.

(btw, it's totally controllable too. didn't the AP do it with Paris Hilton?)
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Post by Hoosier Daddy »

Bob Loblaw wrote:I think Britney may be going through that right now. Michael Jackson is a classic case. Scott Baio too. So many others.
Common theme: Childhood stars who got all the benefits and perils of worldwide fame thrust upon them at an age where they probably don't have the seasoning and life skills to cope with it all.

There is a cottage industry of shrinks in Hollywood that deal with these issues exclusively.

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Post by Zak Tyler »

Bob Loblaw wrote: Which made it an even juicier story. I wonder how much money the Photog that took the picture of Britney swinging the umbrella at the dudes car got.

There is an absolute disrespect that paparazzi has for stars. And it's gotten worse over the years. Case in point: Princess Diana
i totally agree, but i think it's gone beyond a "disrespect" it's more of a disconnect. the paparazzi have gotten to the point where these aren't "people" they're taking pictures of anymore. they don't even see them as a living, breathing, feeling humans anymore. all they see is the $$$$$$$$$$. granted that IS their job, but still i think there is something to be said for restraint and (back to BL's post) respect.

granted when you sign on the dotted line to become a celebrity, be it local (Nunley) or worldwide (Brit), you are accepting a responsibility to live the "public" life. but at some point your privacy MUST be respected. i'm sure the paparazzi wouldn't lie it if a couple dozen movie stars snuck around their house every night while they slept at night, or took pics of their tampon strings hanging out, or crowding around them snapping a bazillion pics while at an amusement park. i think it comes down to "common courtesy".... but then again, i don't make my living selling pics of stars either...

hey nunley i need beer money, how about walking to your mailbox in that leopard skin thong you got...... ok, nevermind, i don't need beer $$$ that bad...
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Post by genlock »

I am tired of you gus feeling sorry for Britney and the others.
The fact is that their publicity people are providing the papparatzzi
directions and passes to everything the "Stars" do.
If the Stars wanted privacy, they could file stalking suits aginst the photogs.
If the Stars wanted privacy, they could stop going around in motorcades.
Did anyone ever stop to think that Britney is looking for a way to jump-start her career? These people thrive on publicity. For them, It is a very bad month if they are not on the front page of the Enquirer or Star and have mentions on TMZ or one of the other Tabloid shows. Britney is in a panic because her career is over and will do anything for publicity.
Just like Nunley.
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Post by Zak Tyler »

genlock wrote: Did anyone ever stop to think that Britney is looking for a way to jump-start her career? These people thrive on publicity. For them, It is a very bad month if they are not on the front page of the Enquirer or Star and have mentions on TMZ or one of the other Tabloid shows. Britney is in a panic because her career is over and will do anything for publicity.
i really think you're off base on this one....
just MHO

on the other hand, this one is spot on. :)
genlock wrote:Just like Nunley.
I'm not an idiot, but I play one on the radio.
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Bob Loblaw wrote:
Spike wrote:When you CHOOSE that life, you choose to give up your freedom and most of your privacy. But with that choice comes the ability to pay other people to do the 'dirty work' for you. You want a Starbucks that bad...? Send your PA!

I'm SO glad you wrote that. Do you consider getting a coffee "dirty work"?
Do *I* consider it dirty work? No, not at all. But in my original comment, "dirty work" had inverted commas around it, denoting that they're not my words or thoughts. I was implying that it would be 'dirty work' to celebs. Menial tasks are plenty abhorrent to a lot of celebrities. How many stories have you heard about Jennifer Lopez blowing up in public because someone brought her the wrong colour of cookie, or her table wasn't round enough, or someone looked her in the eye. Look at the Smoking Gun's rider section and you'll see just how pissy some of these people can be. (or, indeed, how cool some of them are - see also Fighters, Foo)
What about going to a theme park with your kids? Can ya send a assistant to do that? What about taking your best friend out for drinks after a really bad break-up? Your friend didn't ask for the cameras
Actually, yeah. You can send an assistant to do that. Celebs can employ a team of nannys to take their kids to theme parks. Like I said before, celebrity is a choice. You choose to have parts of your life completely closed down, and any celebrity who thinks they can have the best of both worlds is a bigger fool than I already think they are.

Same with the friend scenario; they can invite their friend round to one of their many sprawling multi-roomed mansions and into one of their private bars if they want to avoid the glare. Hell - BUY a bar! The first cast of SNL avoided a LOT of negative publicity because Belushi and Aykroyd pulled the sutters down on the House Of Blues for the weekly wrap parties and only let a select few in through the back.

There are so many of those publicity hounds who pout and cry and bitch and moan about the photographers that follow them, but inside they're grinning. The more noise they make, the more attention people will pay to them. The more attention they get, the more records and/or movies and/or whatever they sell. And boy... don't even get me started on the Diana kerfuffle. If you think I'm an arsehole now, my thoughts on her will cast the epithet forever in gold.

I have to say, though... I can't help but think Genlock's on the right track about Brit. Her music career is totally finished, but think of the cash that can be made now on the talk show circuit and with her autobiography talking about her struggle with sanity. The movie of her life now has an astounding third quarter and, once she 'recovers', she could make even MORE cash writing self help books!
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Post by Zak Tyler »

SPIKE NESMITH! wrote: I have to say, though... I can't help but think Genlock's on the right track about Brit. Her music career is totally finished, but think of the cash that can be made now on the talk show circuit and with her autobiography talking about her struggle with sanity. The movie of her life now has an astounding third quarter and, once she 'recovers', she could make even MORE cash writing self help books!
ok, i can see that (in a pulicists eye)... but let's let her actually get through "suicide watch" (in case this is a real sickness)...
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